Poems by Natalia S. Mikunis


Teaching school is always cool:
Every day we feel OK;
Any lesson is a blessing;
Change and challenge we will manage.
How exciting! Like a lightning!
English classes – only pluses!
Rarest bit is every kid,
So super smart! Now — low start!


My life went on, beyond the reaching
Of joy that “floats over vales and hills”…
And then one day I started teaching
A crowd of very bright pupils:
Ten thousand “flowers” of my life,
Breaking their heads in learning strife.

The world around them lives, but they
Outdo the “brave new world” in glee;
A teacher cannot but just pray
“In such a jocund company”.
I teach and teach, but little think
What the exams to me might bring…

For oft, when with my class I am
In busy or in pensive mood
I ask about the exam,
Whether it’s bad or if it’s good…
And then my “golden daffodils”
Tell all the truth, without the frills…


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