180TechTips.com — Integrate computer technology

Mission Statement:
It is the mission of 180TechTips.com to help empower educators and other professionals to integrate computer technology into their personal lives so that they might more effectively integrate computer technology into their professional duties.


  • Articles
  • Free Quotes Slides
  • Technology Workshops
  • Internet Moments


When do they start?
The technology tip emails go out on weekdays during the North American school year (from September to June) .  Each email will consist of an overview of the day's technology tip and a hyperlink to more information.  As promised each daily technology tip should only take about 5 minutes to read and to do the practice activity.

What can I expect?
15 hours of free technology lessons in 5 minute increments, emailed directly to you beginning of September and running until June.  The time of year when you sign up determines the number of technology tips you will receive.  Don't worry though, the daily tips will start up again next year and continue until you choose to un-subscribe from this list.


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