«My Wishing Tree» by Fyodor Filin

дерево желанийOnce I was passing through a rocky valley. Not a sight of any dwelling. I tasted dust and swallowed heat. Tired and thirsty, thirsty and tired. And hungry, too.

O, thank you, Lord! There was a shady place to rest for a while. A tall leafy tree was waiting for me at a distance. I might have some minutes of relaxation! The tree was inviting me and I settled under the branches. As soon as my wish to find a place to rest was granted, I had another wish. I was thirsty! It was almost unbearable! ‘Had I only a sip of water’ I whispered. And you know what? Yes! I found a bottle of mineral water. Then I wished ‘Had I something to eat’. Suddenly, a dish with snacks appeared. There was no doubt – I was under the shade of a wishing tree! Yes! A person who was under it would have whatever he wished for.

I felt sleepy. I wished for my lovely bed. And it was granted! My tired legs hurt and I hoped the wishing tree would massage my body. Yes! The branches lowered and started to massage me. I was relaxing. But my mind was busy! Suddenly, I started thinking differently. ‘What a trick! Why is the tree so nice to me? It’s suspicious. Why are the branches so soft and comforting?’ Immediately, I felt pain. Sharp thorns pierced my body. I was terrified. I had to pull myself together and start to think that thorns are petals which can cure my wounds. I felt better and the pain disappeared.

When I was leaving the dangerous tree behind, I thought it was a real trap. How dangerous it is to be granted what you have on your mind!

By Fyodor Filin

School 1738



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