MELTA Council Board 29 October 2013

IMG_1355IMG_1356IMG_1357IMG_1360On this warm sunny autumn day MELTA Council Board enjoyed the company of Senior EFL Fellow Erik Lundell and new enthusiastic members from Moscow State Regional and Moscow State Universities. As a result the following seminars are planned for the end of 2013:

Using the Engage, Study, Activate Format in Designing EFL Lesson Plans

Tuesday, November 12 (MELTA event at the Publishing House The 1st of IMG_1362IMG_1359September 16:00 – 18:00)

The presenter will begin by leading a discussion that illustrates each step of this effective model for arousing interest in learning the language skills and for putting that knowledge to use in authentic exchanges of opinions, thoughts, feelings and ideas.  Audience members then will participate in two demonstration lessons that exemplify this format.  The ultimate aim is for teachers to come away with fresh ideas on how to get students willingly involved in their language learning for authentic communication purposes. This seminar will cast light on the new topics for MELTA Festivals 2013—2014 

Using the Themes of Christmas and New Years as the Basis for Communication Development

Tuesday, December 17 (MELTA event at the Publishing House The 1st of September 16:00 – 18:00)

In this presentation, attendees will participate in a variety of information gap activities designed to give language learners opportunities to develop communication strategies such as negotiating for meaning, using gestures, dealing with uncertainty and retrieving linguistic knowledge. ince the holidays are just around the corner, these highly interactive tasks will be based on the themes of Christmas and New Years      



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