MELTA Workshop «Games in ELT» 17.12.13 16:00 — 18:00 at Pervoye Sentyabrya


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIMG_1356Erik Lundell will be giving a presentation along with Alexandra Chistyakova to MELTA members on Tuesday, December 17 from 16:00-18:00 at Pervoye Sentyabrya. 

Senior English Language Fellow, Erik Lundell will engage participants in three language learning tasks based on the Christmas/New Years theme.  Each demonstration lesson shows how learners can have fun while developing communication skills.
The first involves students in a game where participants can test their holiday vocabulary knowledge followed by a speaking task where creative expressions is generated.
The second involves a gift giving task where speaking, listening, reading and writing are integrated.
The final activity offers a novel way in developing listening skills through the use of gestures based on a favorite holiday song.


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