T2T Workshops with Eric Lundell at AMC

DSCF7639 Making the Most of Your Textbooks (April 9)
In this ninety minute workshop the attendees will discuss how teachers can use textbooks by omitting, supplementing, and adapting.  The presenter will demonstrate a variety of techniques that exemplify these strategies for enhancing grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and other language skills instruction.  The aim is to provide language teachers with ideas on how they can use the materials they have to create motivating and meaningful language learning experiences.

 Content Based Instruction (April 16)


The presenter will use the topic of geography to demonstrate how both language and content can be taught simultaneously.  A discussion about the principles and benefits of this method will follow.  Participants will come away with ideas on how to make language learning meaningful through the teaching of a variety of content areas.

Both workshops will take place at 4.30 at the American Centre on the 3rd floor of the All-Russia State Library For Foreign Literture, Nikoloyamskaya, 1


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