Final T2T Workshop With Erik Lundell at the AMC


The final T2T workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 21 from 4:30 -6:00.  Erik Lundell will hand out certificates and there will be refreshments in honor of the attendees.Erik will also give an American Studies PPT.

The American Southwest
In a PowerPoint presentation Senior English Language Fellow, Erik Lundell will offer participants a glimpse of this enchanting region of the United States.  Viewers will observe vivid slides of the landscape, architecture and people that make this area of the country unique.  They will come away with images of a part of America often overlooked in travel brochures and country studies programs.

Don't miss a chance of such a wonderful virtual trip!

All-Russia State Library for Foreing Literature, Nikoloyamskaya street,1,metro station Taganskaya



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