Happy Birthday, MELTA!


Born on 28.05.2004

Tercentenary? No!

Bicentenary? No!

Our child's 10 years of age...

Ten laborious winters,

Ten miraculous summers

Have been there on amateur stage...

How was it to start off?

In the very beginning,

Melting into the river

Just a handful of words...

Running over the desert

Of the great expectations

Towards the Garden of Eden

With ten thousand birds...

Oh sisters! My sisters!

(And occasional brothers!)

We have reached acquiescence,

The equator of life...

Equilibrium nostrum

No longer possesses

Youthful charm, youthful splendour

In the middle of strife...

Yet we gained something wiser,

Something strict and iconic,

Grip on things to be done,

Language — calm and laconic...

Trust of colleagues, traditions

And habitual glory.

And decline of ambitions...

What is more to the story?

Many happy returns

Of the days to remember

To make up to, to cling,

To rejoice, to surrender —

To the mercy of time,
Days of yore, winds gone by...

Yet ahead — miles to go!

Roll up sleeves! Join the work!

Cheer up! Yo-ho-ho!

IMG_1362By Larissa Mashkova,

member of MELTA Coordination Council, Head of Art of Speaking SIG


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