Participating In the Biennial MELTA Conference









J.KмузыкаIt was an honor and pleasure for me to take part in the biennial MELTA conference marking the 10th anniversaty of the association yesterday.

The whole event was organized and held on the high international level with the outstanding speakers like Prof. Mark Y. Blokh, Елена Лубнина, David Wansbrough, John Kotnarowski and many others.

I would like to thank the organizers of the conference for their hard work in holding the event and bringing us all together!

I'm very greatful to all the enthusiastic teachers who didn't stay at home on their well-deserved day-off but came to the conference to share and learn from each other!

Thank you very much to everyone who was with us yesterday in person and in spirit! You are great!

Alexandra Chistyakova


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