EVO2015 Call for Participation

скачанные файлыDear EFL/ESL Educator,

Since 2001, the Electronic Village Online, a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section, has been offering free online professional development sessions to language teachers world-wide.

It is my pleasure to announce the Call for Participation for the Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2015. This year, we are offering 13 fabulous five-week sessions on a variety of topics, including teaching pronunciation, using Moodle, creating electronic textbooks, flipped learning, making Machinima in Second Life, using Minecraft to teach English, and more.

For a complete listing and abstracts, visit the Call for Participation at http://evosessions.pbworks.com. To enroll in a session, follow the instructions on the session page.

Please note that registration for the sessions will take place from January 5 — January 11, 2015. The sessions begin on January 12 and continue until February 15. To register for a session, follow the instructions on that session's page (Session pages are linked to the CfP.).

EVO sessions are free (you usually need only a computer with Internet access and a desire to learn) and open to all, whether or not you are a TESOL member. They carry no academic credit, and participants may choose the level of involvement that works for them.

Mark your calendars now for EVO registration, January 5 — 11. And get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Please share this invitation with your colleagues and e-lists, and thank you for helping us to spread the word!

Nina Liakos, EVO Lead Coordinator

On behalf of the EVO Coordination Team


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