“Inspire and Aspire: Towards New Teaching Horizons” XXI NATE-Russia International Conference Yekaterinburg April 14-18, 2015

Урфльский пед универ National Association of Teachers of English
 Ural English Language Teachers’ Association
 Ural State Pedagogical University
 Ural Sate University of Economics
“Inspire and Aspire: Towards New Teaching
XXI NATE-Russia International Conference
April 14-18, 2015
Call for Papers
Conference Content Areas:
 Autonomous learning
 Information technologies
 Assessment and Testing
 Teacher Development
 Intercultural Awareness
 Research in Language Theories and Practices
 Best Practices in Teaching Young Learners
 Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century
 Integrating Basic and Additional Language Programs
 Innovative Approaches, Methods and Techniques in ELT
The conference will include plenary sessions, workshops, panel discussions, poster presentations,
ELT resources exhibition and social events.
 for Speaker Proposals – February 15, 2015;
 for Registration – March 15, 2015.

Contacts: nate-russia-2015 [at] mail [dot] ru

Phone (343) 235-76-77 – Chair for the English Language, Methodology and Translation Studies, Institute of Foreign Languages, Ural State Pedagogical University.

Conference site — http://nate-russia-2015.ru/
“Inspire and Aspire: Towards New Teaching Horizons”
XXI NATE-Russia International Conference
April 14-18, 2015
Speaker Proposal Form
 Please return the Form by e-mail nate-russia-2015 [at] mail [dot] ru , specifying in the subject line “Speaker
Proposal_ Petrova” or fill in the Form at http:// nate-r u ssia-2015.ru/
 Deadline: February 15, 2015.
Details of Presenter
Last name:
First name:
Details of Co- Presenter (if relevant)
Last name:
First name:
Details of Presentation:
(max. 12 words):
(please underline)
Report (10 Min); Workshop (40 min); Panel Discussion (40 Min); Poster
 Plenary talks will be planned by the Conference TeamContent Area
(please tick off)
 Autonomous learning
 Information Technologies
 Assessment and Testing
 Teacher Development
 Intercultural Awareness
 Research in Language Theories and Practices
 Best Practices in Teaching Young Learners
 Translation and Interpreting Skills in the 21st Century
 Integrating Basic and Additional Language Programs
 Innovative Approaches, Methods and Techniques in ELT
(please tick off)
 CD player;
 Smart board;
 DVD,
 Computer;
 Multimedia Projector;
 Other (specify).
 Please attach your Registration Form (s) and the Abstract of Presentation (500 — 700 words) for
publication. The file to be named by your last name and city, e.g. Petrova_Yaroslavl.doc
Travel Grant Opportunities
 Thanks to the generous support of the English Language Office of the US Embassy in Moscow the
Conference Team will be able to distribute several travel grants among the representatives of the ELT
Associations – current members of NATE.
 To be eligible for a grant a person should be an active member of the local ELT association, register for
the conference, submit a Speaker proposal and a grant application, signed by the Association President
(Vice-President) and including the information about the cost of travel.
 Travel grants applications should be sent by e-mail with the mark “Grant application” to nate-russia-
2015 [at] mail [dot] ru till January 31, 2015.
 Grantees will have partial funding (either travel costs or lodging and food) and will be informed about
the results of their grant applications by February 15, 2015.“Inspire and Aspire: Towards New Teaching Horizons”
XXI NATE-Russia International Conference
April 14-18, 2015
Registration Form
Please Return the Form by e-mail: nate-russia-2015 [at] mail [dot] ru or fill the Form in at http:// nate-r ussia-
Deadline: March 15, 2015.
Details of participant:
Last name:
First name:
Accomodation (Please tick off)
I need accommodation in Yekaterinburg
 Yes
 No
 I would like to be hosted by a colleague*
* Consult Host a Teacher Program requirements below.
Host a Teacher Program
 If you have a possibility to host a colleague (s) from other regions of Russia or other town ofSverdlovsk region, please contact the organizingcommittee via e-mail: nate-russia-2015 [at] mail [dot] ru,
specify the following:
 your name;
 number of people you can host;
 number of days you can provide
accommodation for your guest (s);
 your contact details.
In the subject line, please, write “Host aTeacher”. Thank you!
 If you are a teacher of English and you can’t afford to cover accommodation costs in Yekaterinburg but still can’t
miss NATE-2015 conference and would like to participate in this fabulous professional development event, please
contact nate-russia-2015 [at] mail [dot] ru and we will do our best to find a counterpart to host you. When applying, please
specify the following:
 your name;
 number of days you’d like to stay;
 NATE membership/ regional ELTA membership;
 your contact details.
 Preference will be given to the members of NATE and its local affiliates. In the subject line, please, write “Host a
Teacher application”. Thank you!
Hotel Options
(Please tick off. Breakfast is included unless otherwise is stated.)
Hotel Single standard Double
(per person)
Single standard
(per person)
Marins Park Hotel
106, Cheluskintsev str
2900 1950 3800 2400 n/a
A Elita Hotel
15, Elektrikov str http://hotelmrsk-ural.ru/
n/a 1345
(+ 130 roubles
per breakfast)
n/a n/a 610
(+ 130 roubles
per breakfast)
AVS Hotel
1, Respublikanskaya str.
2500 1300 n/a n/a n/a
 Prices may be subject to change. Hotel rooms have already been booked for you BUT we don’t
guarantee hotel booking after March 15, 2015. Please, book early!
 All bookings are to be made through the help of Alyona Dombayeva: cell: +7 (952) 727 00 11,
fax (343) 371-99-11, email: vigoda-ekb [at] yandex [dot] ru. If you have any questions about accommodation or
you would like to learn about other options, feel free to contact Alyona Dombayeva.
Dear guests! Please make sure that your accommodation is within a walking distance to any subway
station in Yekaterinburg since the conference venues are located close to the following subway stations:
1. Geologicheskaya (Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session to be held at Ural State University of
Economics on April 15); 2. Mashinosrtoiteley (Workshops, SIG sessions, penal discussions, etc. to be held
at Ural State Pedagogical University on April 16-18.)
Registration Fees
Early Bird Fee — before
(to be paid via Sberbank
Kolibri money transfer
system* or Sberbank online
15.02. 2015 —
(to be paid via
Sberbank Kolibri money
transfer system* or
Sberbank online money
Registration fees for participants
and speakers – members of
300 400 450
Registration fees for participants
and speakers – non-members of
400 500 600
Registration fees for student
and retired members of NATERussia
150 200 250
Registration fees for student
and retired non-members of
250 300 350
Sponsored Talk 2500 n/a n/aRegistration Fee Transfer Options
 Kolibri transfer system*:
*Further details for your transfer (name, passport details, phone number, code word) you will receive via e-mail
after you submit your speaker proposal or register for the conference.
 Sberbank Online**: https://online.sberbank.ru/CSAFront/index.do
**Further details for your transfer (card number, name, message) you will receive via e-mail after you submit
your speaker proposal or register for the conference.
Registration fee covers:
 Participant’s Pack
 Coffee Breaks
 Opening Reception
 Prizes-for-all Lottery at the Closing Ceremony
 Publication of Conference Abstracts
 A Tour of Yekaterinburg (for non-Yekaterinburg Participants)
 The Organizing Committee kindly asks our guests to arrive on April 14 or April 15 in the morning as the
Opening Ceremony and the Plenary are scheduled on April, 15 (noon).
Date of arrival
Date of departure
Venue Information
Yekaterinburg is one of the largest and the most dynamic cities in Russia. It is the administrative capital of the
Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Ural Federal District and an important centre for industry, transport, finance, science and
Yekaterinburg was founded in 1723 and is situated in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the border of
Europe and Asia, on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains on the Iset River.
The first general plan of Yekaterinburg suggests that the development of the city on the Iset was carried out
according to the best examples of fortification craft of Germany, the Netherlands and France. European character of
the city was reflected not only in its name (the German «burg» means «the City» in the Russian language), but also
in the layout.
Empress Catherine I gave the name to Yekaterinburg, and Empress Catherine II gave it the status of the city in
1781. During the reign of Catherine II the main road of the Russian Empire was built through a young city. To the
west of Yekaterinburg this road was called the Moscow highway, and to the east – the Great Siberian. Thus,
Yekaterinburg became the key city to vast and rich Siberia, «a window to Asia», just as St. Petersburg was Russia's
«window to Europe».
Rich historical heritage, unique monuments of architecture, history, culture and art as well as unique nature and
local flavor attract tourists from all around the world.
Yekaterinburg is the Urals' major educational centre. There are 43 higher educational establishments and 40
vocational schools with over 190 thousand students.


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