Upcoming seminars in the British Council Moscow


9 April, 16:00-18:00

During the workshop we’ll talk about what constitutes teaching writing to young learners. We’ll try to remember the requirements in the new Federal state standards to the planned outcomes in primary education at “the Graduate will learn" and «the Graduate will have the opportunity to learn» levels. You’ll have the opportunity to share your personal experience: When do you teach writing? How? and What? And the most important, we’ll try to be in young learners’ shoes, and then think how to make the process of teaching writing more interesting.

Speaker: Elena Mishneva


13th April, 16.00

In general, students are not in a position to be independent learners when they turn up to their first class. Instead, they need to be guided step-by-step to being able to study independently (Little, 2007: 23; Nunan, 1997: 201). The Unlock series lends itself perfectly to developing independent learning skills through both the course books and the online workbooks. Focussing on Unlock 3 Reading and Writing Skills, this workshop will look at how we can encourage students to develop their independent learning skills thereby helping them to improve their English both in the classroom environment and independently outside the classroom.

Speaker: Carolyn Westbrook is a Senior Lecturer in English as a Foreign Language at Southampton Solent University. She runs the International Foundation Year, which is a one-year preparatory language and academic skills course for non-native speakers of English who want to study for a degree at a UK university. She also runs a course in TEFL. She has over 20 years’ experience of teaching General, Business and Academic English and is a teacher trainer who gives teacher development seminars both in the UK and abroad. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching and is CELTA and DELTA qualified. Her main research interests are in the areas of teaching and assessing Academic Writing.

British Council Russia | ELT team

British Council│Nikoloyamskaya 1│Moscow│109189 │Russia

T +7 495 287 18 36  | BCTN (internal) 445 1836

english [at] britishcouncil [dot] ru



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