MELTA 15th Anniversary Celebrated at Gala-Concert May 17, 2019

Gala ConcertGala Concert and awarding of winners and laureates,  Drama Festival and «Golden Voices» Festival Nominees, devoted to MELTA 15 years anniversary, will be held on 17 May 2019, 15-30, at the Concert Hall of Russian State Children Library

Registration begins at 15-00 at the Hall entrance.


The audience is looking forward to your winning presentations and presents are eager to be handed in!

Invite you guests!

Dear teachers and advisors, your gifts and diplomas are being prepared.

The concert will feature exhibition of books from Cambridge, Macmillan, Titul, RELOD, Pearson, Windsor Educational Centre, that opens at 14-30. Parents, tutors and children will be able to purchase books to their taste.



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