MELTA Winter School 18.02.2020 Renewed Programme


Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to take part in MELTA Winter School

“ELTeaching with Poetry and Prose” on February 18, 2020 14.00 — 17.00,

MCPU Assemply Hall, 5B Maly Kazenniy Pereulok (Kurskaya metro station)

Winter School is a joint project of Moscow English Language Teachers Association and Department of Anglistics and International Communication of Institute of Foreign Languages of Moscow City Pedagogical University.

This is the second event of methodological series to be followed by the third school in April. Teachers who will attend all three schools are sure to get a certificate of Professional Development Course.

Participants of each school will get е-certificates from MELTA.

Winter School Schedule

14.00 – 14.45     Poetic Sensibility in Writing​
Leticia Medina, English Language Fellow at NUST MISiS, will lead a talk/workshop on the topic of poetic sensibility in writing. This interactive workshop invites listeners to consider the interconnectedness of writing across disciplines. Participants will engage in discussions and exercises to identify characteristics common to researchers across a variety of disciplines. By engaging and analyzing English-language poetry, this workshop is designed to allow practice  listening, speaking, reading, and writing components of language learning in the EFL/ELT classroom.​

Leticia Medina, English Language Fellow, MISiS.  A doctoral fellow at the University of Texas at San Antonio  (UTSA) in Texas, a Lecturer in the Writing Program and an instructor in the English for International Students (EIS) program. Leticia taught Advanced English for Academic Purposes to              international PhD students from a number of foreign countries, including India, Iran, Bangladesh, México, Brazil, China, Russia,  and Angola, among others.

14.45 — 15.00 RELOD presents a quiz on the English language Literture and prizes to the winners

15.00 — 15.40

Romantic and realistic reasons for reading literary works.



Natalia Mikunis, Honoured teacher of RF, American and British literature teacher, teacher-trainer, member of MELTA Coordinational Council Board, school 1208

The workshop will be devoted to analizing examples of using literary works to better your English.

15.45 — 16.25

A Mordern Short Story at the English language lesson
Мария ОзероваMariya Ozerova, teacher of the highest pedagogical qualification, 10 years experience at school, EGE expert, school 1208

The speaker will demonstrate a lesson senario, based on a modern short story. How to activate the phrasals, encountered in the story, what activities could be suggested, how to talk about literary genres with high school students?





16.30 — 17.00
Reading and sharing.

Olga Boltneva, Honoured teacher of RF, American and British literature teacher, teacher-trainer, MELTA vice-president, school 'Integral'

What can be done after reading a literary work?
How to share the excitement of the Word, Thought and Emotion? What brings writers works to eternity? We will try to find answers to these questions.



Moscow City Pedagogical University; 5B Maly Kazenny pereulok, Moscow (metro station Kurskaya)

Assembly Hall

Participants are kindly asked to send an application form to melta [dot] instagram [at] mail [dot] ru

Application form

1) name

2) surname

3) educational institution

4) number of MELTA registration certificate

Winter School is free for all MELTA members. To become a member of MELTA go to

Winter school features partner projects presentations


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