«Просвещение. Иностранные языки» Online Journal «Symbols of Victory. Moscow»

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«Symbols of Victory. Moscow»

Болтнева Фото 2023 1

In autumn 2022 teachers and students of Moscow got together to commemorate the role of their district in the years of the Great Patriotic War by compiling study materials for the online journal «Symbols of Victory. Moscow». Students were happy to share the heroic feat of their great-grandfathers. Teachers guided and supported their researches, and helped to design educational activities. «Symbols of Victory. Moscow» include famous names as well as globally known landmarks. The history of the heroic metro station is sure to draw everyone's attention. Educational and patriotic value of this electronic collection lies in the participation of students themselves in creating the content for their peers. Teachers supervised the process. School history museums have taken their deserved place in the collection.

You have new stories to read in class about heroic deeds for the Victory.

Coordinator, Olga Boltneva, MELTA vice- president


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