Free online course on Testing from Christine Coombe!

Christeene CoombeWant to learn more about assessment?

The TESOL Arabia Testing SIG is putting together a free, two-and-a-half month long online course entitled «The Fundamentals of Language Assessment». The course has been specifically designed for classroom teachers with little or no knowledge about assessment or assessment issues. The workload will be approximately one to two hours per week, and those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate.

The course will be offered twice. The first course offering will begin at the end of January and finish in mid-April. The second course is expected to begin in early March and finish in May.
> If you are interested, please email Christine Coombe directly at: (ccoombe [at] hct [dot] ac [dot] ae) and include the following information: name, affiliation (institution where you work), country and email address.


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