«My Birthday Wish» by Kamilla Slepneva

Ангел на подушкеMY BIRTHDAY WISH

It was on a nice summer day, on the sixth of June 2013. Our whole family went to our summerhouse in the countryside.

The weather was hot as the sun was shining brightly. The birds were singing cheerfully and the butterflies were flying all over our beautiful roses, violets and tulips. That day was special for me as the sixth of June is my birthday. I got a lot of birthday presents from my relatives and friends. There were game sets, toys, books and even a big bicycle.  I liked all my presents but I was still waiting for something magical.

Late at night when I came to my bedroom I saw a little angel sitting on my pillow. I couldn't believe my eyes. I even pinched my arm, but it was still there. He said that the wheel of Fortune chose me and that I could make one magical birthday wish. To tell the truth, I was ready with my wish: I wanted to speak English as a native speaker...or even better.

The next morning I woke up. Was it a dream? My grandma came in. She said:  Доброе утро!  But...stop. WHAT WAS IT? I could not understand her. I asked Granny for a glass of water. Now she looked very surprised. She could not understand me either. My birthday wish came true.

After that birthday the Angel comes to me every night. He takes me to the wonderful land of Great Britain where I can speak English with British people and understand them very well. Every day I go to school and work hard to learn Russian to be able to talk to my parents and friends.

The Angel gave me a chance to live in two countries: In Russia during the day time and in Great Britain in the night.

The wheel of Fortune goes round and next time it may choose you. Magic happens when you believe in it!

1 место —  Слепнева Камилла,

3 класс, ГБОУ ММГ



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