World Teachers' Day Greetings from Jerrold Frank, EL Officer!

Jerry FrankHello Russian English Language Teachers!

I would like to wish a very happy World Teachers Day to all of our wonderful Russian English language teachers! This day is dedicated to you and all teachers to commemorate your hard work, passion, and dedication.  The aim of this day is to promote awareness, understanding and appreciation for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development.  Teachers are often unsung heroes but the effect that you have on the lives of your students is immeasurable. You not only meet the needs of future generations but indeed, literally shape the future of your country and communities. While we should certainly appreciate teachers every day,  I am happy that a special day has been established where we can acknowledge how important your work is and to provide an opportunity to thank you. Congratulations to all the teachers out there! Take some time this day to reflect on your accomplishments and know that your work is vital and appreciated.

All the best!


Jerrold Frank ● English Language Officer

US Embassy Moscow● work +7-495-728-5000, x4891

Email: frankjj [at] state [dot] gov



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