«Shaping the Way We Teach English» Webinar Course 15

Shaping the Way We Teach English webinar course 15 has begun.

Join the next webinar “Integrating Pronunciation across the Curriculum” Wednesday, February 11th at 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. EST.


This course is aimed at English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, both those who are intending to pursue this field as a career and those already working in the field who would like to revise and refresh their methods and approaches. The materials and approaches presented should complement college courses such as Introduction to TEFL/TESOL Methods.

This five-week course explores important aspects of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The goal of this course is to help you become a better teacher. By the end of this course, you should be able to explain how the various materials and approaches presented will lead to better language learning; you will be able to choose appropriate materials and apply varied classroom activities to improve your students’ study of English. You will also be able to better evaluate both your own and other teachers’ practices.

This is the second of the two-part Shaping the Way We Teach English series. The first part is the Landscape of English Language Teaching. You can begin with either course.



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