
Moscow Best Storytellers and Their Teachers

Posted by on 20.02.2014 at 7:47 пп

  ИТОГИ Фестиваля устного рассказа MELTA 2014 “FATE AND FORTUNE” Поздравляем лучших рассказчиков Москвы на английском языке, победителей, лауреатов и их талантливых наставников!

MELTA Poetry Festival 2014 Winners and Laureates

Posted by on 01.02.2014 at 3:01 пп

 Dear poets and teachers, thank you for your love and commitment to this genre. Your creations on rather challenging festivals topics “We go and beauty stays”  J.Brodsky and  “No man is an island…”  J.Donne are charming, attractive, thoughtful, emotional. Thank you for participation. Let your poetry talent flourish! We go but poetry stays!

«Writing for creative expression» , November 27 2013

Posted by on 30.11.2013 at 8:26 дп

The workshop «Writing for creative expression» , conducted on November 27 by Erik Lundell, got a very good feedback. The turnout was 25 people. The teacher  engaged the audience in various creative activities and they were enthusiastic about them. Consultant: Tatiyana Kobzina

T-2-T «Developing Speaking Skills» at AMC

Posted by on 21.11.2013 at 9:13 пп

The workshop «Developing speaking skills» , conducted on November 20, 2013 by Erik Lindell, got a very good feed back.The turnout was about 40 people. The teachers actively participated in various activities and they were  responsive. Tatiyana Kobzina, Teacher-Trainer.

Марафон учебных предметов 2013. 14 апреля 2013 года — день учителя английского языка

Posted by on 30.07.2013 at 12:45 пп

Любое знание повышает степень свободы человека, а знание английского – вдвойне. И люди, пришедшие в этот день на марафон, не просто учителя, преподающие один из предметов школьного цикла, а те, кто стремится поделиться со своими учениками радостью свободного владения языком. Важно научить молодое поколение читать в оригинале интереснейшие книги, статьи,  общаться с теми, для кого […]

«My Wishing Tree» by Fyodor Filin

Posted by on 26.04.2013 at 4:12 пп

Once I was passing through a rocky valley. Not a sight of any dwelling. I tasted dust and swallowed heat. Tired and thirsty, thirsty and tired. And hungry, too. O, thank you, Lord! There was a shady place to rest for a while. A tall leafy tree was waiting for me at a distance. I […]

«The Oak-tree and the Dryad» by Arina Abramova

Posted by on 26.04.2013 at 3:59 пп

Arcadia! Most Greeks regard this wild region as dark and mysterious. Majestic oak forests cover the steep slopes. Hermes was born there, Orpheus sang here, and the forest god Pan played his pipes there! Arcadia, your oaks are great and your landscapes are rich but your people are poor. They don’t have money, but they […]

«The Story of the Coconut Tree» by Lida Shemarova

Posted by on 26.04.2013 at 3:00 пп

There was a small island named Tanaiya. In the middle there was a beautiful lake of crystal clear water. By the lake there was a small hut in which lived a girl whose name was Aina. Aina loved nothing more than swimming in the lake all day long. One day, while swimming, she felt something […]

«Winterville» by Marianna Maksimova

Posted by on 26.04.2013 at 2:38 пп

In commemoration of Ray Bradbury Outside, the last tree is dying. There is nothing anyone could do. It is simply old and sick. It couldn’t give life to other trees. Genetically diseased trees died out without offspring. Forests had been wiped off the planet’s surface long before I was born. It’s freezing here. No wonder. […]

«Keep true to the dreams» by Kseniya Meteleva

Posted by on 24.04.2013 at 11:50 дп

“Keep true to the dreams of the youth” , – Tells us the old German poet. “By heart we know the truth” , — Pascal was carrying on in his poem. Though time heals all wounds,