
Wishes of Happy, Sunny, Bright Spring 2015!

Posted by on 06.03.2015 at 3:26 пп

Dear collegues and friends! Happy March, April and May holidays from MELTA! Let there always be sunshine in our hearts! As a holdays gift from our storytellers enjoy this touching story, presented by Olga Storchyak about life, harmony, peace and hope. Be happy! SENBAZURU Look at me! I’m standing in front of you with my heart […]

Открытие выставки «Мир глазами Алёны Громушкиной»

Posted by on 05.03.2015 at 4:46 пп

«Это был замечательный вечер! Действительно настоящая встреча с Алёной Владимировной! Несмотря на печальный контекст, во многих и меня, в частности, вселилось возвышенное, просветлённое чувство! И во многом благодаря пению хора (что было приятным сюрпризом для всех), и благодаря проникновенной речи Дэвида Вонсбро, и напутственному слову и молитве отца Алексия, и, конечно же, изумительным фотографиям Алёны! […]

Congratulations to the Best Storytellers 2015!!! Their wishes are sure to come true!

Posted by on 27.02.2015 at 2:05 дп

ИТОГИ ФЕСТИВАЛЯ УСТНОГО РАССКАЗА MELTA 2015 Несколько конкурсантов набрали одинаковое количество баллов, поэтому призовые места и номинации были распределены жюри следующим образом:  Победители  3-4 классы 1 место – Крылова Дарья, ГБОУ СОШ № 415 (подразделение «А»), ЮВАО; учитель Поволоцкая Елена Ивановна 1 место – Соловьева Стефания, школа 1208 ЮВАО; учитель Кондракова Нина Никитична 2 место – Гвоздякова Александра, […]

You can look at the World through Alyona's eyes... 03.03 — 10.03.2015 at Moscow Museum of Education

Posted by on 27.02.2015 at 1:13 дп

Dear friends, David Wansbrough would like to introduce you to the art of the wonderful Alyona Gromushkina. The exhibition opens on March 3 at 6.30 pm in Moscow Museum of Education (12 Vyshnyakovsky Lane, Tretyakovskaya metro). As she died recently you will now meet her only through her photographs. Although she loved people, none of […]

The best stories about «Wishes» were shared on Vorobyovy hills on February 21, 2015

Posted by on 24.02.2015 at 2:27 пп

A bit of history Started in Sweden in 2003, World Storytelling Day is a global celebration of the art of oral storytelling. It is celebrated every year on the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, the first day of autumn equinox in the southern. On World Storytelling Day, as many people as possible tell and […]

MELTA Poetry Festival Winners and Laureates

Posted by on 05.02.2015 at 7:07 пп

Hear come the results of the Poetry Festival in memory of Alyona Gromushkina, MELTA vice-president, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine English. It turned into international due to active participation of students from Indonesian school in Moscow! Very talented expressive poems have been composed and performed by all the students on the following topics: 1. Remebrance. The Truly Great BY STEPHEN […]

Алёна Громушкина в наших сердцах

Posted by on 23.01.2015 at 3:10 дп

Дорогие коллеги, друзья. 22.01.15 в 00:30 после обширного инсульта ушла от нас Алёна Владимировна Громушкина, редактор журнала «Английский язык» издательского дома «Первое сентября», вице-президент Ассоциации учителей и преподавателей английского языка Москвы и Подмосковья, мама, четырежды бабушка. Ей было всего 52 года, полна планов, энергии, любви ко всем нам и к своей семье. Эта потеря очень тяжела […]

For those who like to teach young learners (TEYL)

Posted by on 24.12.2014 at 9:09 пп

Dear Colleagues, here's a letter from our dearest MELTA Friend Elena Lubnina. Many of you know her ardent desire and unfatiguable work to help EL teaching all over Russia. She wrote it for Thanksgiving, but there's no doubt that any present with love and care can be offered for Christmas time as well. Thank you, […]

Good-bye 2014 — Welcome 2015! Happy Winter Holidays!

Posted by on 23.12.2014 at 10:21 пп

Dear colleagues, let the wise words of this poem give you force, patience and energy to strive on and...win of course! Reach your goals and embody your most extravagant dreams! «Many happy returns Of the days to remember To make up to, to cling, To rejoice, to surrender — To the mercy of time, Days of […]

MELTA 10 years. Gratitude for being together. Success Stories Album

Posted by on 15.12.2014 at 1:48 пп

Dear MELTA members, colleagues and friends! This year MELTA is marking its 10th anniversary and I’d like to express our gratitude to all 909 MELTA members and 495 participants of MELTA FB page for physically or virtually being together. I’d like to say “thank you” to all who have supported and inspired us since the 28th of May 2004: Artyom […]